Flowers are fabulous but sometimes they just don't make the grade, especially for the men in your life. Are you stumped for a quick and easy (and of course cheap) Valentine's Day gift for your special someone.
Visit the grocery store and put together a gift basket. If your significant other loves the sour tang of lemons, use that as a theme. Find fresh lemons of course, lemon candies, lemon cake, lemon flavored tea, lemon soda, lemon syrup, lemon jam, lemon yogurt, lemon pasta, even a lemon based marinade. Package in a pretty basket, lined with a yellow terry cloth towel and top with a bright yellow ribbon.
Speaking of marinades, how about a home made dinner? If your sweetie is partial to pasta, put together the ingredients and a note that you'll cook. Find a pasta pan. Line it with a red and white checkered napkin letting a corner drape over the edge of the pot. Add a package of gourmet pasta, a wedge of good parmesan cheese, a bunch of fresh basil, bright red tomatoes, a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, crunchy sourdough bread, and whatever else catches your fancy. Follow the directions for the pasta when it's done, drain and place in a big bowl. While it's cooking coarsely chop the tomatoes and basil. Add 1/4 cup of olive oil (for 2 servings) and the grated cheese. Toss with the hot pasta and serve.
Focus on hearts. Pick up heart shaped cookies, candies, and cupcakes. Buy a heart shaped cake pan and fill with fresh strawberries. Add a coffee cup with a heart design and packages of gourmet coffee or tea. If you're feeling energetic buy a selection of cheeses and cut into heart shapes by tracing the outline of a cookie cutter on the cheese and cutting with a knife. Champagne glasses and a split of champagne is an elegant and not expensive touch. Wrap in cellophane paper, tie closed with red, pink, and white curly ribbon. Attach a heart shaped helium filled balloon.
Sports are near and dear to many fans. Celebrate your sports fan with a selection of the latest sports magazines and newspapers, his favorite beverage, and snacks. Visit a dollar store and pick up toys that relate to his sport. The fun part is you can use the toys later to have fun playing in the backyard, or if it's too cold, in the house.
Free report on more party ideas
Dee Power is the co-author of several nonfiction books including "The Publishing Primer: A Blueprint for an Author's Success," "58 Ways to Find Money for Your Business, "Inside Secrets to Venture Capital" and "Attracting Capital From Angels." Visit her Budget weddings site for a copy of "Weddings on a Shoestring Budget".